Impressive 10k performances at Paisley

Senior harriers did the club and themselves proud today with PBs and high finishes at the Paisley 10k West District Championships.

Graeme Cameron and Kara Tait both smashed their PBs and finished well within the top ten – no mean feat in a race with over one thousand participants.

Graeme managed to lower his PB to 33.12 and finished in an impressive 6th place overall. Although Kara couldn’t quite catch the 3rd female which would have meant a West District bronze medal, she did cross the line in a very speedy time of 36.36 and settled for 4th female.

Meanwhile, it was Jackie McCulloch’s first time running the Paisley course and she managed to dip below the 55 minute barrier in a time of 54.15. Despite struggling with injury, Janice Millar completed the course in 1.15.00.

Well done to all.
